Schroeder Fuel has been discontinued in favor of Timothy Fuel.
Schroeder Fuel was designed for a customer looking for a 2500-calorie blend for exercise, weight-loss, and better health.
Based on the ingredients of Schmoylent for a neutral vanilla flavor. It’s vegan!
All prices include shipping. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
Nutrition Facts
For a day’s worth of Schroeder Fuel…
Serving Size: 1 bag (410g) of powder with 120ml canola oil (not included)
Calories: 2500 (30% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 50% fat)
Carbohydrate: 190g
Protein: 125g
Fat: 146g
Fiber: 37g
Contains at least 100% of RDI for all vitamins and minerals. (More info…)
Ingredients: Gluten-Free Oat Flour, Rice Protein (Sprouted Brown Rice, Vanilla), Maltodextrin (Corn), Chia Seeds, Psyllium Husk Powder, Potassium Citrate, Calcium Citrate, Iodized Salt, Choline Bitartrate, Magnesium Citrate, Multivitamin Powder, Stevia Powder, Xanthan Gum
Michael (verified owner) –
I’ve been drinking/eating Schroeder Fuel since sometime in September, usually for breakfast and lunch, about 6 days a week. It’s great! I make a day’s worth the night before in a big 3L pitcher from Walmart, mix it with a whisk and shaking and add oil. Then in the morning I pour it into a couple Nalgenes that I take to school. For me the cost is an advantage over “real” food, even with the equipment and canola oil I add. The taste and texture are pleasant, but not exactly a selling point for me. Definitely try it at various time-points after mixing and with various amounts of water because the texture and taste both change. I found that I enjoy it most when the powder, oil, and water have a volume of ~2200 mL. The part I like the most about it is the convenience! i don’t HAVE to cook or clean or get groceries, I can do all of that whenever I want to [or not :)], and that ends up saving me a lot of time. I still have cravings for and enjoy other foods. Especially crunchy, salty, acidic things (e.g. corn chips and salsa, vinegar/jalapeno potato chips). I probably end up consuming ~3000 calories per day, and I’ve slowly been putting on weight, which I’m fine with.