Don Fuel has been discontinued in favor of Schmoylent Clean.
Don Fuel was designed for a customer looking for a high-protein, medium-carb blend based on Clean Fuel Plus, but without any chia seeds. With gluten-free oat flour providing fiber instead of chia seeds, Don Fuel turns out to be a high-protein version of Schmoylent Clean!
Based on the ingredients of Schmoylent for a neutral vanilla flavor. It’s vegan!
All prices include shipping. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
Nutrition Facts
For a day’s worth of Don Fuel…
Serving Size: 1 bag (395g) of powder with 75ml canola oil (not included)
Calories: 2100 (35% carbohydrate, 25% protein, 40% fat)
Carbohydrate: 185g
Protein: 131g
Fat: 94g
Fiber: 29g
Contains at least 100% of RDI for all vitamins and minerals. (More info…)
Ingredients: Gluten-Free Oat Flour, Rice Protein (Sprouted Brown Rice, Vanilla), Rice Flour, Psyllium Husk Powder, Potassium Citrate, Calcium Citrate, Iodized Salt, Magnesium Citrate, Choline Bitartrate, Multivitamin Powder, Stevia Powder, Xanthan Gum
Patrick Bostwick (verified owner) –
This is some good stuff, a bit expensive compared to regular Soylent but I love the flavor and high protein. I always feel good after downing a shake of Don Fuel.
Shel (verified owner) –
Just adding an update…
I’ve used my first bag of this mix (two servings in the frig now), & I find that because I prefer variety, I’ve been adding 1 Tbs of cocoa powder & ~1/2 tsp of siagon cinnamon. I’ve also tried it w/ 1 Tbs of almond butter &/or ~1 tsp of chia seeds (I like chia for nutrition & texture). I melt the almond butter (crunchy) w/ the coconut oil (see previous post) & mix them, then pour this combo into the blender of mixed Don’s & water. I’ve gotten to the point that I look forward to sipping this ready-made drink throughout my day as a sort of meal-supplement treat that is very handy.
I’ve researched the other Schmoylent varieties a couple of times now, & it seems this mix is the best value for me (price for volume & nutritional values – carb/fat/protein/fiber ratio). Tomorrow I’m planning to order the 7-bag portion & a Takeya pitcher for larger storage capacity & portability. =) ~Shel
P.S./disclaimer: I’m used to higher in protein & fiber intake than probably most Americans are, but I think that if I didn’t also take probiotics daily, I’d probably be pretty gassy. I have noticed a touch of gas anyway, but I’m hoping that fades as my gut flora adapts.
Shel (verified owner) –
Just got my shipment today of a one-day bag.
It arrived 7 days from the day I ordered it. My first impressions:
Smells good, faint vanilla scent
Looks like regular flour
I used my Magic Bullet for mixing, but it only holds 1/2 a serving, so I added 1/2 cup water & 1/4 Don’s mix & blended. Then I added the other 1/2 cup water & 1/4 D’s mix, 4 large strawberries, 3 drops of pure vanilla extract & mixed. Then I added ~1.75 Tbs of liquid coconut oil & mixed again.
I capped the cup & put it in the frig, but I decided I couldn’t wait overnight, so I drank most of it on my way to the gym ~2 hrs later.
Tastes fine to me. Consistency reminds me of pancake batter too. It has a sort of grittiness to it, but it goes down easily. No complaints here. I’m just trying to decide if I should invest in the 7-day shipment, which for me would be 6 wks worth, since I’m thinking I’ll just do one meal-replacement shake, once/day, which for me is just 1/2 the normal recommended serving and still gives me:
350 cals
15.7 fat grams
30.8 carbs
4.8 fiber
21.8 protein
I have to admit that while I like this blend, I DO like & kina miss the chia seeds. Thanks Don!
Don (verified owner) –
Everything I asked for :D